In The Start Up of You, Hoffman says, "Your identity doesn't get found, It emerges." This week I have been really interested in the developing of self or rather the discovery of who is really inside this lady. The articles and assignments have really had my focus concentrated on the importance of developing skills and having values that while enable a wonderful person in many aspects of life emerge.
I really connected with Sister Dew's talk about integrity and her fierceness in stressing how important it is to honest and strengthening the ability to be accountable and and trustworthy. She quotes "President Boyd K. Packer said this:
The world is spiraling downward at an ever-quickening pace. I am sorry to tell you that it will not get better. I know of nothing in the history of the Church or in the history of the world to compare with our present circumstances. Nothing happened in Sodom and Gomorrah which exceeds the wickedness and depravity which surrounds us now....The first line of defense–the home–is crumbling. Surely you can see what the adversary is about. We are now exactly where the prophets warned we would be (Boyd K. Packer, BYU J. Reuben Clark Law Society Devotional, 28 February 2004)."
This quote made the urgency to develop who I am so much more real and vital. We no longer have time to not take immediate action in aspiring, setting goals, and accomplishing. This week's assignments really impressed me that in order to be successful in a world that is "spiraling downward" is to focus my attention upwards. Developing, changing, and progressing to become who I was up there so that person can make society and the environment I live in better. Kind of exciting right?!
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